Our Blog

Are You Ready For Changes To Stamp Duty Land Tax


Are you aware that, as from 1st April 2016, changes are being introduced to Stamp Duty Land Tax as part of a 5 year plan? Currently a Buy To Let Landlord buying a house costing more than £40,000 would pay an average of 5% SDT but this will rise to 8% (on average). Many believe…

Say Goodbye to the January Blues!!


TAKE A LOOK AT THE NEW BUILD SITES WE HAVE ON OFFER AND BOOK YOUR PERSONAL VIEWING TODAY! If you are looking for a semi rural location on the edge of Sherwood Forest we have; TWO 3 bedroomed semi-detached and THREE detached properties at Woods Edge, Clipstone Drive, Forest Town, NG19 0JJ NOW PRICED FROM ONLY…


*****W I S H I N G   A L L   O U R   F OL L O W E R S   A   V E R Y   M E R R Y        C H R I S T M A S   A N D   A   H A P P Y   N E W    Y E A…



WHETHER YOUR WISH LIST IS A SEMI RURAL LOCATION OR CLOSE TO TOWN CENTRE AMENITIES WE HAVE THE PROPERTY TO SUIT YOU!! If you are looking for a semi rural location on the edge of Sherwood Forest we have; TWO 3 bedroomed semi-detached and THREE detached properties at Woods Edge, Clipstone Drive, Forest Town, NG19…