Prepare your Property for the Cold


With the colder weather arriving over the weekend we wanted to take the time to remind our Landlords and Vendors of a few simple steps to prepare for the cold weather.

Now really is the time most tenants will have turned on the Heating and be finding any possible faults, ensure your tenants know how to work the Heating System correctly and efficiently before its to late. A gentle reminder to leave the heating on low if they are going away over the Christmas break can prevent so many problems later in the year.

Any previous grumbles or concerns with windows, doors, walls, pipes, the roof or the guttering could soon cause discomfort to residents where no real discomfort had been noted through the summer.

Sound like a lot to manage at this busy time of year? Why not give us call to discuss our management options or just for us to do a Winter Property Check so you can enjoy the festive period knowing your property is as ready as it can be for the cold.